Promoting healthy foods in the new digital era on Instagram: an experimental study on the effect of a popular real versus fictitious fit influencer on brand attitude and purchase intentions | BMC Public Health

Anderson M, Jiang J. Teens, social media & technology 2018. Pew Res Center. 2018;31:2018. Google Scholar Aron A, Aron EN, Smollan D. Inclusion of others in the self scale and the structure of interpersonal closeness. J Pers Soc Psychol. 1992;63(4):596. Article Google Scholar Baker MJ, Churchill GA Jr. The impact of physically attractive models on […]

8 mins read

Popular social media food posts can influence people to eat healthy –

BIRMINGHAM, United Kingdom — If you can’t help but scroll through Instagram staring at delicious foods and selectable recipes, do yourself a favor and find some posts depicting appetizing and healthy dishes. Researchers from Aston University found viewing social media posts with lots of “likes” showing healthy foods promote nutritious dietary choices in the real […]

3 mins read

Intermittent fasting: The positive news continues

There’s a ton of incredibly promising intermittent fasting (IF) research done on fat rats. They lose weight, their blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugars improve… but they’re rats. Studies in humans, almost across the board, have shown that IF is safe and effective, but really no more effective than any other diet. In addition, many […]

7 mins read

How supermarkets can impact healthy food choices

Do you feel like buying everything you see on the supermarket shelves? Well, most of us love the way supermarket shelves are packed with food. According to a recent study by the University of Southampton shows that removing confectionery and other unhealthy products from checkouts and the end of nearby aisles and placing fruit and […]

3 mins read